What are 360 Lace Frontal Wigs?

The 360 Lace Frontal Wigs are Lace implanted all around the head. It follows the contours of the scalp, passing around the forehead, around the nape of the neck and all around the head. Bundles of wicks close the weave or the wig above the head. Just like the Lace Closure Wigs and the Lace Front Wigs, the 360 Lace Frontal Wigs mimic the scalp and are undetectable.

Made on a tulle base, the dimensions of the 360 Lace Frontal Wigs: 57cm (full turn), 5cm (width at the neck), 10cm (width at the front).

Ponytail, bun, high ponytail… you've been depriving yourself of these hairstyles for a long time. They all become achievable with the 360 Lace Frontal Wigs… what more could you ask for.

Why choose 360 Lace Frontal Wigs?

It makes our weaves and wigs 100% undetectable, regardless of the type of hairstyle desired.

It only requires two packages for the installation of a weave or a wig, regardless of the size chosen. For Lace Closure and Lace Frontal the number of packages depends on the desired length, you will find all our advice on the number of packages to take in our "Size and Quantity FAQ".

The speed of the installation. Applying a lace 360 ​​weave or wig takes less time than applying a Lace Closure or Frontal.

Discover our 360 Lace Frontal Wigs

Thanks to the tulle which blends perfectly with the color of the skin, the Lace Front Wigs, the Lace Closure Wigs or the 360 Lace Frontal Wigs, allow for much more natural and undetectable poses.

Be careful with the maintenance of your Laces, they must be pampered like little babies;)

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